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Orlando Sex Crimes Lawyer in Orlando, FL

Federal Sex Crimes

Federal Sex Crimes in Florida 

In Florida, many sex crimes are federal offenses meaning that the FBI and federal prosecutors may work together with local police on your case. In these situations, you can be tried in state and federal courts. With a federal sex crime conviction, you will face severe penalties with a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison. 

If you live in Orlando, Florida, and are facing federal sex crime charges, you need the support of a well-versed legal team to lead your defense. At Hanlon Law, our criminal defense attorneys have years of experience in various federal sex crime cases. We understand that these charges put your future at risk, and we will give your defense our all. We conduct thorough investigations into our clients' cases and propose the most robust defense to get your charges dismissed or reduced. 

Types of Federal Sex Crimes in Florida 

There are a variety of sex crimes that can be charged and tried at a federal level in Orlando, Florida. Here is a list of various types of sex crimes that may be elevated to the federal level: 

  • Human trafficking 
  • Repeat sex crimes offenders
  • The sexual exploitation of a child or a minor 
  • The possession or distribution of child pornography 
  • The rape of a minor, a disabled person, or an elderly 
  • The solicitation of a minor for sex in person 
  • The solicitation of a minor for sex over the internet 
  • The sexual assault of a child or a minor 
  • The kidnapping of a minor for sex
  • Sexual abuse to an adult, a disabled person, or an elderly person 
  • Sex crimes conducted over the internet 
  • Sexual crime that crosses state lines 

Being accused of any of the above offenses is extremely serious and could have detrimental effects on your life, lasting a long time after your sentencing. 

Consequences for Federal Sex Crimes in Florida 

A conviction for a federal sex crime requires you to register as a sex offender. As a sex offender, you will have to register each year on your birther in the sex offender database in Florida for 25 years following your conviction. Failure to register as a sex offender could result in fifteen years or additional prison time. Being labeled as a sex offender will affect your ability to find housing and a job and maintain personal relationships in your life. When applying as a registered sex offender, you must notify your potential employers of your status as a federal sex crime offender and all your neighbors. Details on sentencing for specific federal sex crimes can be found at The United States Sentencing Commission.

State and Federal Involvement 

Most criminal cases violate laws set forth by the state and are heard and tried in state court. The case is sent to federal court if a federal law is broken. When a crime violates state and federal law, the case can be tried in state and federal courts. While it might seem that being charged for the same crime in both federal and state court is a violation of a person’s freedom from double jeopardy, The United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is not. 

Possible Defenses to Federal Sex Crime 

If you are being charged with a federal sex crime in Orlando, Florida, you must retain an attorney to mount your strongest possible defense. The attorneys at Hanlon Law will look at the specific circumstances of your case to cast reasonable doubt in the jury and prove your innocence. Here are some commonly used defenses that may be utilized in sex crime cases: 

  • Consent: One of the most common defenses in any sex crimes case is showing that the victim consented to the act the defendant was accused of.
  • Innocence: If you did not commit the crime you have been accused of, the best thing you can do is plead your innocence. It is your attorney's job to use any information found in there and the state’s investigation to prove your innocence to the jury. Remember, the prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning any hint of uncertainty should be used in your defense. 
  • Mental incapacity: Another possible defense is proving in court that the defendant was temporarily or permanently unable to make a sound decision when the crime was committed. 
  • Entrapment: Entrapment occurs when a person commits a crime solely because they were pressured or coerced into doing so. Proving entrapment can be difficult and often requires the skills and knowledge of a practiced attorney to do so successfully. 

What to Anticipate When Hiring Hanlon Law

The federal legal system, along with the legal system of Orlando, Florida, work vigorously when prosecuting federal sex crimes. The attorneys at Hanlon Law will work hard to defend your future by using our knowledge and insight of the Orlando and federal courts and prosecutors to combat the severe penalties that come with a sex crime conviction. We will conduct a thorough investigation that includes examining the victim's underlying ulterior motives, contracting an expert investigator, and testing the validity of any DNA evidence. Any information found in the attorney's investigation being used to form the most formidable defense in proving your innocence. 

Contact Hanlon Law to schedule a consultation to discuss your charges and hire an Orlando-based sex crimes attorney today.

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